Stop Animal Abuse in Korea


/ #51

2014-06-11 14:42

AND it`s always again the same disastrous tragedy: As long as saturated and profit-neurotic mankind is thinking animals would not be able of being sentient and feeling pains (like them), WORLD`s animals will have to feel the serious consequences, that humans are not able to THINK (rationally and pure). Animals are suffering worldwide inexpressibly from unjustifiable treatment of thoughtless humans who claim, animals would have no souls. But their mind cannot contain that soul, god or similar definitions are exclusively matters of human`s concept. Animals cannot BENEFIT from intellectual content of our BELIEF (in god), if this doesn`t create practical ethical behavior for animal`s benefit. Animals as result of the same evolution are our brothers/sisters in making experience with the same sensory organs like us. So it`s very STRANGE to suppose animals would not be able of feeling pains like us!
AND WHY is mankind not able to accept that he is only part of evolution and not it`s RULER? Up to now science has disclosed unimaginable interrelations for deeper insights into apparently and invisible kinds of existence in whole universe. Not only to get amazing knowledge about these existences, but also to widen our cognition for being able to perceive our marginal role in this universe.
We should learn to be DEVOTED into our marginal being in contrast to overwhelming and generous appearance of unique UNIVERSE. Being thankful and compassionate to all beings means to recognise our essential relatedness to all forms of appearances in universe, but specially to those of our precious earth.
And practising devotion to our marginal being could make us really GREAT and being generous to all nature`s creatures. This devotion could change us to a new mental existence, feeling spiritual kinship to nature`s beings, what is finally everything what universe has created since its big bang. IF WE are tasting our being with all our precious senses and being thankful for this great gift, we really are practising truthful devotion and want no more longer ask ourselfs how great is our role in the face of boundless universe.
This means being AWARE of our awareness and creates loving attitude. Such a mental attitude wants let also disappear borders of religious denominations. Indeed whole humankind belongs to one and universal SPIRIT of LOVE and COMPASSION!

To be honestly thankful for all being`s existence let us feel pure relationship to all universe`s appearances and creates desire for treating them carefully. Awareness of sentient beings evolved in dialog with universe`s appearances and relies for its education into individual being`s consciousness furthermore on essential stimulus of ambient outside world. Therefore our relationship to all universe`s appearances is evident. INDEED it`s very simple: be compassionate and give LOVE TO ALL nature`s creatures.
OR in other WORDS & more CLEARLY: We shouldn`t let RULE our EGO, because EGO based behavior cannot be satisfied and wants finally destroy its environment only for short moments of feeling saturated! Thank you for your worthy Attention & Efforts. Kindest regards, AUSTRIA / Europe.