Rettet die Musikhochschulen

Enrico W. del Castello

/ #689 Mannheim University of Music

2013-07-26 16:43

It just does not make any sense even thinking about the closing of the University of Music and Performing Arts Mannheim; such a historic tradition for the city and for the university canno be subject to small politics. Music is and international language, and Friedrich Nietzsche said that life withouth music would be a mistake; it is an important statement and a fundamental one, a univesrity of music is such an advanced concept and a pride for Mannheim why even think to close such and important icon and academic institution. The professors that I have met from that university have impressed me so much that I have - after researching for two years - decised to send my son from Canada and study there. Quality and professionalism are hard to find and closing a University such as Mannheim would only send a very negative message around the world; the Governemnt should really think very hard and seriously before considering such drastic measure for a hidden jewel like the Hochschule fur Musik und Tanze of Mannheim. I hope that common sense and good judgement will prevail.